The Village

Rachael Petch

My Role at Malarkey Kids:
CEO and Partner.

My kids:
1 daughter, 1 son and a forever puppy

What I love about being a mom:
I love seeing little bits of my husband and I in our kids. Hugs and kisses and endless “I love you's!” 

What my kids do that drives me crazy:
Whining! I could do without whining and attitudes and messes.

Favorite thing to do when not working:
Love the occasional date night with my husband.  Playdates with our friends always include fun for the kids and wine for the moms!  Travel and golf.

Really good at:
Multitasking, organizing, and baking.

Really bad at:
Math, conflict and storytelling.

Monika Buna

My Role at Malarkey Kids:
CEO and Partner

My kids:
Two kids if you don’t count my husband… (13-year-old boy, 10-year-old girl).

What I love about being a mom:
The adventure of finding out how my kids will surprise me every day.

What my kids do that drives me crazy:
They’re always competing with each other and, in the end – inevitably – one of them cries.

Favorite thing to do when not working:
Golfing, traveling, spending time at the cottage.

Really good at:
Multitasking, Math, Time management.

Really bad at:
Arts and crafts.

Alicia Seifert

My Role at Malarkey Kids:
Warehouse Manager

My Kids:
One son and one fur-baby named Willow!

What I love about being a mom:
I love being a mom because it brings me joy to see my son growing and learning, I am so excited for the fun things we can explore together as a family!

Favorite thing to do when not working:
When I am not working I love crafting, hiking with my dog and golfing with my Hubby! 

Really good at:
I am really good at Tetris! Lol.

Really bad at:
I am really bad at staying still…

Melissa Redhead

My Role at Malarkey Kids:
Sales Administrator
My Kids:
My twins, Madison & Jackson. My cats, Zoey and Ziggy

What I love about being a mom:
Hugs, kisses and snuggles! I love seeing their smiles when they experience something new and exciting.

Favorite thing to do when not working:
Spending time with my family, watching Netflix and relaxing with a cup of coffee

Really good at:
Organization and attention to detail

Really bad at:
Fractions and algebra. My kids know not to bring their math homework to me for help. lol

Pamela McNicol

My Role at Malarkey Kids:
Manager of Accounting

My Kids:
Three children who are off at university and living their best lives!

What I love about being a mom:
Watching them become independent young people who don’t require 24/7 attention anymore!

Favorite thing to do when not working:
Spending time hanging out with my husband of 23 years and our friends that we still have from high school.

Really good at:
Planning trips, parties, spreadsheets and saying no J

Really bad at:
I am really bad at “winging things” or “going with the flow”.  I’m a total planner.

Melissa Seifert-Hyslop



My Role at Malarkey Kids:
Former President and CIO (Chief Idea Officer) 

Sold the company to 2 of my long time employees and friends - Monika Buna and Rachael Petch